It's easy to get caught up in the whole nutritional hype of taking your multivitamins everyday, or drinking your protein shake, or green powder drink in the morning before you go off to work thinking...
If your on a 100% raw food fruit based diet, and your kidneys are filtering, then your on your way with getting well. You got yourself in some serious trouble with acid ash and mucus forming foods,...
Not only do these man-made chemical drugs put a beating on the organs, glands, nervous system, and damaged cells in the human body, they could also attach to heavy metals and stay dormant in the...
Regeneration is about energy, hydration, and foods that digest effectively in the human body. It’s about bioavailability and proper assimilation, and smashing in “superfoods” is not going to do...
The parathyroid gland is responsible for allowing the body to utilize calcium effectively. The body needs calcium to help fight acids and to keep the bones strong, however when the body becomes very...
If your goal is to reverse systemic acidosis, because if your in chronic pain, that’s what your dealing with, so you can throw your “disease” label out the door, you will have to bite the...
Interstitial is inside the cell wall of tissue and the lymphatic system is connected to the tissue and around the cells. Interstitial acidosis simply is acids trapped and stagnant amongst the cells in...
If you have a family member with chronic memory loss (dementia) then it would be very difficult to help them reverse this condition they got their selves in, without question. You would have to get...
Food combining even though it makes the food taste great, if you combined improperly it's not the most compatible with how are species is designed to eat. Our body is designed for simple digestion of...
Unfortunately society has bread the concept that food is to stimulate taste buds for pleasure. What goes into the body effects the human organism. You must understand what food is, so that you don't...
If you don’t work on your inner self and tap into your intuitive spirit guide from within, then it doesn’t matter how pure you eat, because you can still be a self-righteous egotistical person and...
If you are dealing with inflammation which is dealing with a “FLAME” inside first you have to understand what would cause a burn inside your body in the first place.