Saggy skin at the root cause would be acidosis of course or dis-ease in the body. When the body is in a state of dysfunction we must understand why? What causes the body to create these imbalances...
When you get yourself to a place where you no longer are addicted to the satiating pleasures of food in regards to eating three meals a day, the better your body will learn to adapt to the simplicity...
Everybody's always worries about bacteria but in all reality with a strong immune system bacteria can never be a problem, and a healthy body should be resistant to bacteria when they are clean....
Now I’m not a promoter of starving yourself and I believe that there are more beneficial ways to heal when it comes to eating and for lifestyle, you find your balance when it comes to what your body...
You must understand that yes you are eating food when you are on a fruit diet hahaha and you might be smashing fruit all day and eating tons of berries which happen to be the most nutritious foods on...
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and...
HIV or aids is not a “disease” it’s a viral load. (Dormant foreign proteins). Just because the medical community doesn’t understand detoxification, or will even say it’s dangerous, doesn’t...
When you remove foods that are void of energy, and replace foods with electromagnetic energy, you will open up your senses, and experience higher spiritual consciousness, because energy equals...
Degeneration in the disk in the lower back is a clear indicator of 2 things poor kidney filtration and parathyroid weakness and of course a backed up lymph system.