If you are facing chronic inflammation this didn't just come out of nowhere, you must understand the basics of chemistry. There's only two sides of chemistry and that is acid or base. The body cannot...
Whenever you use the word infection or correlate something wrong in your body you must understand the simplicity of what infection really is. Infection is just culturing medium, which means stagnant...
The genetics of humans in today’s world is only declining. You cant say anymore, “your to young to have health problems” it’s the opposite actually. The acidic and mucus forming foods and...
When we pay attention to the simplicity of chemistry and understand that there is only two sides, the (alkaline side and the acid side). When your body is on the acid side, your going to feel the...
The real cause of any kind of deficiency that suppresses the body's ability to utilize and absorb nutrition, is not caused from lacking specific vitamins and minerals found in foods that are not...
Suppressing and masking symptoms with anything cannot promote effective detoxification when it comes to removing the obstructions that cause "disease" in the body. The whole point of detoxification is...
So why would the kidneys have anything to do with these glands and organs? First, you need to understand the role of the kidneys, and also understand that none filtering kidneys and an acid ash...
The parathyroid gland is responsible for allowing the body to utilize calcium effectively. The body needs calcium to help fight acids and to keep the bones strong, however when the body becomes very...
So many people on this planet suffer with malabsorption, their not absorbing the nutrition properly, and because of lack of absorption of nutrition, it's very difficult for this type of person to hold...
When it comes to regenerative detoxification we must understand the channels of elimination and how to get metabolic waste moved out of the body in order for it to properly hydrate, recover, and...