We have obviously become a society that has drifted away from nature and has created a structure, and format taught to the people in these societies, how they should eat, a fancy food pyramid of what...
Dry fasting is the top of the mountain for fasting. Some people like to dry fast for several days and some people like to time restrict a dry fast every day. I like to dry fast for 16-20 hours every...
One thing I find very interesting is that the name lymphoma that was coined by the AMA, who happens to be the most confused on regarding the lymph system, and it’s role in the human body, brushes...
It truly saddens me to think about the state of the fruits and vegetables and the way they are grown in the world today. It also pains me to even write on this topic, because it's kind of a downer....
Raw foods sweep and clean the colon when eaten and cooked foods stick and impact and clog up the colon. Not only are cooked foods more on the acid side of chemistry and most raw foods such as your...
Its simple stress is acidic it creates inflammation in the body. Stress shuts down the adrenals by stimulating the adrenals to produce cortisol a steroid that helps the body buffer the blowback of...
A happy gut is a happy person. The stomach is the brain of the human body, so when it’s out of balance and backed up with mucus, pus, and parasites then it’s going to effect the person in a...
Citrus and the acid variety fruits like oranges, pineapples, and grapefruits are very astringent fruits, and can expose weakness due to the sludge and lymphatic stagnation in the body, and when the...
What is healing? Is it managing symptoms ? Or is it reversing and maintaining a healthy body, so they don’t come back? The second one sounds right, and outside of nature, there is no hope for...
Vegetables and grains are the least compatible with the human digestive tract in my opinion, and of course animal products because they are void of beneficial fiber that our guts need to create a...
Humans have been conditioned to seek a quick fix that often never exist and often tries to find ways to avoid the truth and to go to an “expert” to help validate things can be done another way...