Most women grow up dreaming about having babies, and this is a good thing, I believe that reproducing and creating life, is a beautiful thing. However women continually are making babies in today's...
One of the issues is for one 3 meals a day is programming, and not optimal for health, and 2 if you eat 3 meals a day and only have one bowel moment a day, that’s a lot of meals still backed up in...
Better name for sulfates would be gorilla glue! This substance that’s in pharma drugs, processed foods, certain spices, and supplements sticks to the body, and creates a breeding ground for candida...
We could talk about aggressive fasting, extended fasting in regards to juice-only, water only and extended dry fasting, but it really doesn't matter what kind of fast you choose to do if your kidneys...
Most people are very confused about candida, and simply just wrapped up in the mind regarding how this overgrowth is caused. For one candida is naturally present in the body, and this fungus is only...
We have obviously become a society that has drifted away from nature and has created a structure, and format taught to the people in these societies, how they should eat, a fancy food pyramid of what...
Raw food or cooked foods it doesn’t matter because you can make them both unhealthy in my opinion. Just because something is raw doesn’t mean it’s healthy, and sorry but a raw food cheese cake...
If you are facing chronic inflammation this didn't just come out of nowhere, you must understand the basics of chemistry. There's only two sides of chemistry and that is acid or base. The body cannot...
If you don’t know the purpose of the lymphatic system and how that deals with the state of human health and how to regenerate the body from a state of dis-ease to a state of health and vitality then...
Food is way to focused on in the natural hygiene and natural healing world. Thinking about food is the main reason your in the mess your in. Depending on the food your eating you can ether be a...
Our body is made up of a bunch of cells and these cells need nourishment that comes from the nutrition of the foods that the human species is designed for. But when it comes to regenerative...
Lupus is considered in the allopathic community to be systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Well this concept is silly, because...